shining light on forgotten stories
Reportážní projekty
I was always drawn to forgotten events and people standing on the margins. For this reason, one of my first student photography projects was an insight into the lives of homeless people finding refuge in abandoned carriages at a former freight station in the centre of Prague.
I have been visiting refugees from Donbas since 2015 and later revisiting the war in Ukraine, which no one cared about at the time. I toured the frontline in the east with Doctors Without Borders, and I recorded testimonies of those who had contracted multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in other parts of the country.
Tuberculosis in Ukraine
TB is the deadliest infectious disease in the world, affecting 10 million people and killing 1.4 million each year. Especially in the former Soviet Union, it continues to threaten tens of thousands of people. Among the countries most severely affected is Ukraine, where Doctors Without Borders is helping with treatment.
I was able to shoot a report from the hospital in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, and the nearby sanatorium 'Forest Fairy Tale', where treatment for tuberculosis patients is being carried out under the supervision of Doctors Without Borders and they are coping with the consequences of the disease.
Nekončící válka
Válka na Ukrajině nekončí. Na začátku léta 2024 jsem navštívil místa postižená zničením Kachovské přehrady a zaznamenal každodenní život těch, pro které jsou výbuchy a kouř na horizontu už naprosto normální věcí.
Tuberculosis in Ukraine
TB is the deadliest infectious disease in the world, affecting 10 million people and killing 1.4 million each year. Especially in the former Soviet Union, it continues to threaten tens of thousands of people. Among the countries most severely affected is Ukraine, where Doctors Without Borders is helping with treatment.
I was able to shoot a report from the hospital in Zhytomyr, Ukraine, and the nearby sanatorium 'Forest Fairy Tale', where treatment for tuberculosis patients is being carried out under the supervision of Doctors Without Borders and they are coping with the consequences of the disease.
Living on the front line
The 2014 outbreak of war in eastern Ukraine cut thousands of people off from the basic necessities of life, including healthcare. Doctors Without Borders have therefore been providing them with much-needed assistance since 2015. Periodically, mobile clinics went to the affected villages, and for a few days I also travelled with the doctors. Apart from the pictures, a short documentary (Un)forgotten was made from the trip.
Being a refugee in your own country
Due to the war in Donbas, which started in 2014, hundreds of thousands of people fled their homes. Most left for other, safer parts of Ukraine. The ADRA humanitarian organisation helped them find alternative accommodation and provided basic assistance. A number of refugees found temporary shelter in former sanatoriums.
Between 2015 and 2016, I have visited several places in the Kiev and Mariupol area where IDPs were living and captured their daily life.
After the floods
The flash flood hit northern Bohemia in August 2010. Because I was living in one of the affected villages at the time, I was there from the first minutes. Over the next few days, I photographed the affected areas for Hand for Help, a local NGO that helped people overcome the difficult situation.
Malnutrition in Cambodia
Only about a third of children under the age of two in Cambodia receive adequate care in terms of breastfeeding, dietary variety and frequency of feeding. More and more parents, including mothers of young children, are travelling for work, and children's nutrition, health and education are often neglected. Consequently, ADRA implemented a project that included an awareness-raising programme to demonstrate the importance of good nutrition for healthy child development.
I made a report on the project in 2015.
Life in the wagons
As a student in 2009, I attended a week-long course with war photographer Patrick Chauvelle. I made a series of black and white photographs showing the life of people who chose to live in abandoned carriages at a freight station in the centre of Prague.